Imagine several months passing without having to worry about an project-related issue. No hassles over timeline, risks or issues, no frustration around inconsistent data and no compliance cases or manipulation of project’s KPI’s. You’re away from the office, feeling confident that your company’s complete PPM is being fully taken care of and the basis for decision making is trustfull.

The long and short of it: Our Managed PMO services give you the best value for your running cost. Excellence in PMO process integration, updated systems and expert support at all times — not just when something breaks.

It meets all of your PPM needs, increases your team’s efficiency and productivity by balancing peaks. Demands are analyzed, delivery quality improves and management effort is being reduced.

  • Control PMO Costs

    You can scale your PMO Costs according to your requirements and only pay for what you need by selecting services. An outsourced PMO is 20 % less cost intensive than inhouse.

  • Trusted PMO advisor

    Through regular account management meetings your Managed PMO service company will be able to oversee your overall PPM roadmap and become your trusted advisor.

  • Increased efficiency

    You’ll have your PMO needs outsourced to a team of PMO experts, and during times where you need additional project support, your managed PMO provider supplies the extra staff for peaks.

  • Small initial investment

    Managed PMO services help you offset the initial investment of evaluation what to do, training cost on your new PMO member or market research for PPM tools.

  • Economy of scale

    As your business grows, its PPM and PMO structure needs to grow, too. When you use a managed PMO service you can scale your business up or down by place your request.


Years experience


Certified experts


End user satisfaction


Service desk


Global reach (tbd)

Our Managed PMO services will help you succeed. Let’s get started



  • Network

    Expert services are network dependent. We engage in various fields and cooperates with interdisciplinary groups, think tanks and specialists.

  • Service desk

    Our service depends on your needs from regular 12/5 and optional 24/7 support. depending on your project peaks, we agree to an extraordinary service time.

  • Applications

    We provide best practice solutions in PPM software and integrate your system or define as well as on-premise deployments, ensuring applications are always optimised for the best possible user experience.

  • Reporting and statistics

    We ensures your team receive ad-hoc-reporting and statistics to easy and fast make decisions for your projects. We provide KPI’s and benchmark the results of your portfolio.

  • Value management

    To create value means achieve benefits in relation to a purpose by progressing your projects in time, quality and budget. Our controlling system includes your activities, further innovation quotes and suggestions for change.

  • Knowledge sharing

    We share our knowledge and trends on the market in an annual exclusive in-house workshop taylored to your field of interest and need. We support your professional project and product managers with insights to your advantage.



Reflecting your requirement in organiaztional PPM development and the need in runnig projects efficiently, PMO as a Service is always up to date for various project sitiations. PMO Governance, Financial Management or Project Execution by experts brings the advantage in easy and fast standard implementation, changes in management systems according organizational growth or expertise in knowing best practices and standard.

1. How to initiate a PMO service?

Together, we review your current situation and design your desire. This part takes is crated by interdisciplinary involvement of several functions. Most common methods are work shops, as we want YOU to be happy.

2. How to transform your PMO or implement a Service?

We start shadowing your PMO or staff in relevant processes. Define a refine a IT landscape and create a target map.

We implement the processes in our team, review interfaces and interactions and support with a change management approach.

3. How we create service excellence?

We interact with your teams on demand and proactive review our processes, tools and PM methods. We continious improve to create the best value.

HR, your current project team, Finance or Production benefit from this service in become proactive reports, advises and training suggestions.



SME, Small and medium enterprises with a low matured project management will benefit as well as a high matured PMO to outsource. Competencies of the project specialists will be sharpened by experience in other branches, methods or roles.

Ongoing organizational changes have an impact on PMO methology and their structure and IT infrastructure. We as a solution provider share the value and benefit in efficient use of modern technology and effective adjustment of processes with you as our customer.


As a PMO specialist it becomes more fun to work with a professional team, being able to change roles and positions and receive an excellent education in one of the various methods.


First I was scared to loose my job, but after we defined a new role as a project manager, I gained more skills. I work with the PMO TEAM hand-in-hand and trust their decisions and expertice in resource management or issue handling.
